HR policies

Hiring Policy 

It is the policy of Play Gear Industry that HR department would hire the appropriate person as per vacant job specification without any gender discrimination. The entire applicant will be treated according to their qualification and job requirement under consideration of merit base.

Disciplinary Policy

Play Gear adheres to the concept of progressive discipline in our effort to ensure a fair method of disciplining employees. Company will attempt to give its employees advance notice of problems with their conduct or performance in order to provide them an opportunity to improve them. Discipline may take the form of a verbal warning, one or more written warnings, and suspension or dismissal. The choice of options depends on the seriousness of the behavior. 

Probation and Confirmation Policy

It is the policy that an employee shall be on the probation for the period of three months. On successful completion of the probationary period an employee shall become permanent and shall be entitled all legal benefits.

Child Labor Policy

Play Gear Industry has developed this policy by considering and implementing in the light of ILO conventions 138 & 182 already ratified by Govt. of Pakistan that a child equal or below the child equal the age of 18 years is allowed to work inside factory premises or any of its workplaces or manufacturing process at any circumstances.

Social Accountability Policy

Play Gear Industry is committed to create a better working environment for its employees by implementing and sustaining social accountability requirements to provide and ensure their basic rights.

We believe in educating our workers and supplier on the policies and procedures to maintain the highest ethical standards, conforming to:

  • Labor Law of Pakistan
  • Workplace Standard
  • SEDES Code of Conduct
  • ILO Conventions

The company is confident to declare that through its intention and efforts, it can motive employees, produce better quality Sportswear & volley balls and create a culture of continuous improvements.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The objective of the policy is to eliminate discrimination. This policy is applicable at all levels of the organization. Play Gear Industry does not discriminate in recruitment and employment practices. Decision about hiring, salary, benefits, training opportunities, work assignments, advancement, discipline and termination shall be based on ability to perform the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or belief, such as race national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status, parental status, association membership, sexual orientation or political opinion. Company will take all necessary steps to protect the rights of workers. Special workers like pregnant ladies and disabled persons will be treated fairly.

HSE Policies

Occupational Health & Safety policy

PlayGear Ltd. is a company manufacturing & exporting footballs for international markets. We understand that our employees may have a hazard by performing their activities and using raw materials, natural and artificial resources. 

Play Gear is committed to continuous improvement of its OH&S Management System for the achievement of healthy, safe and conducive environment. We are highly concerned about providing the healthy and safe environment to our employees to avoid any hazards.

Relevant Health & Safety regulation

ILO Conventions related to Health & Safety

Workplace Standard’s requirements

To sustain this commitment, the requirements are comprehensively mentioned in the document of occupational health & safety management system of OHSAS 18001:2007. 

This policy is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated at all levels within the company and is available to public for their interest.

Medical / Social Security Policy

It is the policy of PlayGear Ltd to provide the benefits of Social Security or Medical facility after the probation period of 3 months. Social Security department provides the workers with the facility of free medical treatment in both indoor and outdoor. This facility covers the medical treatment of the employee’s family for which our company is paying 6 % of employee salary on monthly basis.

Personal Protective Equipment Policy

PlayGear Ltd is committed to provide PPEs to all employees where there is any exposure to potential hazards. Personal protective equipment play an important role in reducing the effects of an incident on people involved in it. The company recognizes and shall ensure to provide the PPEs for the protections like: Head Protection, Foot/instep protection, Eye protection, hand protection and breathing protection etc.

Health, Safety & Environment Policy

It is the policy of PlayGear Ltd that to provide the safe & healthy working environment including protection from fire, accidents and toxic substances to our valuable workforce. We believe that safe & healthy working environment is the right of every employee and organization is committed to maintain and continuously improve the Health, Safety & Environmental conditions by adoption of Health, Safety & Environmental Management System.

Fire Safety Policy

It is the policy of PlayGear to encourage and supports a high quality approach to maintaining a fire safe environment. Company shall make necessary arrangement to ensure the protection of workforce from any occurrence of accident / incident. To ensure the fire safety Company shall review the safety equipment periodically.

Smoking Policy

It is the policy of PlayGear that all workforces shall not be allowed to smoke in working areas. Only nominated areas shall be allowed for smoking near factory entrance gate. Moreover company discourages smoking as it is injurious to health of employees and wastage of money

Enviromental Policy

Play Gear Ltd. is a company manufacturing & exporting Sportswear for international markets. We understand that our business may have an environmental impact by performing our activities and using raw materials, natural and artificial resources. 

Play Gear is committed to continuous improvement of its Environmental Management System for the achievement of safe and conducive environment. We are highly concerned about the Prevention of pollution for the safe living.

The relevant NEQS of Pakistan

Environmental Law and Guidelines

To sustain this commitment, the requirements are comprehensively mentioned in the document of environmental management system of ISO 14001. These apply to all related activities.

This policy is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated at all levels within the company and is available to public for their interest.

Energy Management Policy

Play gear Ind continue to reduce the environmental impact by using of energy management system. Efficient use of energy is cost effective and through this we can improve the work environment by using the energy saver lights instead of tube light or else to save the energy. For the efficient use of Energy, Company’s T&D department shall communicate the implications of energy management system to all management staff and workers.